Found 7 blog entries tagged as gardening.

Gardening is not just a hobby or a pastime activity. It is a therapeutic practice with numerous physical and mental health benefits. Studies have shown that people who engage in gardening regularly tend to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. This is because gardening provides a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and a connection to nature. In this article, we will explore the healing power of gardening and provide you with a guide to therapeutic landscaping.

Physical Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is a great way to get some physical exercise and stay active. It involves a lot of bending, lifting, and stretching, which can help improve your flexibility, strength, and overall fitness. Gardening also helps to lower blood pressure, reduce the…

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Gardening is a wonderful way to beautify your home and create a peaceful oasis. If you're a beginner, it can be overwhelming to know where to start, especially if you live in a climate like Newfoundland's with its rocky soil and cold temperatures. But don't worry! With a few tips and tricks, you can have a successful flower garden in no time.

Choose the Right Flowers

When starting a flower garden, it's important to choose the right flowers for your climate. In Newfoundland, you'll want to focus on hardy flowers that can withstand the cold temperatures and rocky soil. Some good options include pansies, petunias, marigolds, and daisies. These flowers can be planted in the spring, and will bloom throughout the summer.

Prepare Your Soil

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Spring is finally here, and it's the perfect time to freshen up your home after a long winter. Whether you're looking to update your decor or tackle some outdoor projects, there are plenty of ways to embrace the new season. Here are some spring essentials for homeowners to consider:

Add pops of color to your decor

One of the easiest ways to bring spring into your home is by adding bright pops of color to your decor. Swap out dark throw pillows and blankets for lighter, brighter options in pastels or bold hues. You can also add fresh flowers or plants to your space for a natural touch.

Deep clean your home

Spring cleaning is a tradition for a reason - it's a great way to freshen up your home and get rid of clutter. Start by deep…

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growing your own food

You may remember from your childhood, watching adults in your neighbourhood or at friends’ houses working in their garden. It may have been a hobby or a necessity to feed the family. Regardless of the reason, growing your own food in a garden is a great way to save money at the grocery store, and it is not difficult to start. With a few pointers, you can be on your way to growing your own food better than anything you’ll find in the stores!

1. Your Garden Can Be Any Size That is Practical

Whether you live in a suburban house, on an acreage, or in an apartment, there are plenty of options to get started growing food. You don’t want to go all in and create a huge garden right off the bat. The trick is to start small and…

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There’s a harsh reality for plenty of Canadians with green thumbs who can’t indulge in the luxury of a full yard to explore. Perhaps you’re in an apartment or condo, maybe you rent, or it could be you simply want to bring the outdoors inside. 

Tall potted plants use vertical space to help add depth to a smaller residence, and we’ve seen how planters can add to outdoor appeal without hurting your budget. Herb gardens, big or small, indoors and out, are always popular with foodies, and if you play your flora cards right, you may attract some desirable fauna even without a huge greenspace.

To help you ease into some new ideas for your space-friendly garden, we’ve collected some thoughts to share with you. Be sure to add your own tips and tricks in…

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Whether you’re hoping for lush flower beds bursting with perennials or you want to grow herbs and vegetables for the first time, now’s the perfect time to start planning your garden. Though you may need to wait a bit before you can start planting—typically once the ground has thawed and there’s no longer a risk of frost—getting a head start on the plan itself can help you visualize the end state of your garden. We asked Halifax gardening expert Niki Jabbour, author of Growing Under Cover, for her best tips to build a lovely garden that will enhance your curb appeal. 

What should you consider before starting your garden?  

Before you race off to empty your wallet at the garden centre, take some time to plan. Consider drawing out a rough sketch of…

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Keeping your garden looking stunning during the cold season can be a challenge. But, with the right winter plants, you can enjoy gorgeous blooms even as the snow falls. Here are our picks for ten cold-hardy perennials and one annual plant, guaranteed to make your garden pop with color in winter.


Image: Peter Milto /

Snowdrops are usually associated with springtime, but did you know they can bloom as early as December? Start by planting some bulbs in the fall in any part of your garden that gets light shade. These plants don’t take long to grow, and before you know it, they will add a touch of springtime to your winter garden.

Japanese Camellia

Image: sei.N /

This is a fantastic…

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