Summer is here, and it's time to pack your bags, leave the stresses of everyday life behind, and embark on a much-deserved vacation. While you're excitedly planning your getaway, it's important not to forget about the security of your home. To help ensure that you can fully relax and enjoy your time away, we've put together some expert tips for homeowners to keep their homes safe during summer holidays. Read on to discover how to safeguard your haven and have a worry-free vacation.

Secure All Entrances

Before you leave, double-check that all doors and windows are properly locked. Install deadbolts on exterior doors for an added layer of security. Don't forget about sliding doors and windows—place a rod in the track to prevent them from being opened. Remember, a secure home is a safe home.

Reinforce Your Home's Exterior

Trimming hedges and trees near your windows and entrances can remove potential hiding spots for burglars. Consider installing motion-activated outdoor lights and security cameras to deter any unwanted visitors. A well-lit property is less appealing to intruders.

Create an Illusion of Occupancy

Make it appear as if someone is home even when you're away. Set timers on lights, radios, or TVs to turn on and off at different times throughout the day. Ask a trusted neighbor to collect your mail or temporarily suspend deliveries to avoid a pile-up of packages.

Be Mindful of Social Media

It's tempting to share your vacation excitement on social media, but broadcasting your absence could make your home a target. Save the sharing for when you're back home or adjust your privacy settings to ensure only trusted friends and family can view your posts.

Notify Trusted Individuals

Inform a neighbor or a close friend about your travel plans. Provide them with your contact information and spare keys, in case of emergencies. This way, someone will keep an eye on your property and can quickly address any issues that may arise.

Invest in a Home Security System

Consider installing a comprehensive home security system. With features like surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and remote monitoring, these systems provide peace of mind even when your miles away. Some systems can send alerts to your smartphone, allowing you to always stay connected to your home.

Maintain Your Yard

An unkempt yard can signal that no one is home. Hire someone to mow the lawn, water the plants, and maintain the exterior of your property while you're away. Additionally, if you're leaving for an extended period, arrange for snow removal services during the winter months.

Keep Valuables Secure

Store valuable items such as jewelry, important documents, and expensive electronics in a safe deposit box or a home safe. This way, even if someone gains access to your property, your most prized possessions remain protected.

Home Insurance Coverage

Review your home insurance policy to ensure it provides adequate coverage for theft or damage during your absence. Consider any necessary adjustments or additional coverage options to suit your specific needs.

Trust Your Intuition

Lastly, trust your instincts. If something feels off or suspicious, report it to the local authorities. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

By implementing these tips, you can relax and enjoy your vacation without worrying about the safety of your home. Remember, taking a few precautions beforehand can go a long way in ensuring that your haven remains secure and protected.

Now, go ahead and have an amazing summer holiday!

Posted by Infinity Admin on


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Well, these are brilliant tips. I remember, a few days back, when I was on vacation, my smart security cameras and motion sensors gave me a sense of security. But, I never think about creating an illusion of occupancy. This idea is totally new to me and seems great.

But, don't you think if I'll try to fake occupancy it will cost extra on my electric bill? Because, whenever I'm at home, I don't turn the extra smart lights or security system ON until motion is detected.

Posted by Rose Marie on Friday, June 30th, 2023 at 2:53am

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