best mortgage rate in Canada

When you purchase a home, a down payment is typically applied to the purchase price, and the balance is to be paid off over your term of the mortgage. The loan you receive from a lender in order to pay for the house is called a mortgage.

Simply put, a mortgage is a legal and binding agreement between a lender and a borrower for a specific amount of money that must be paid back within a predefined amount of time. The mortgage is a secured loan in that the house you are buying is collateral for the loan. This means that, should you not meet your mortgage repayment obligations, the lender has the right to take the property.

Purchasing a home and taking on a mortgage is a big commitment. In addition to the amount borrowed,…

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Image: Natali Kuzina/

House plants are a fantastic way to liven up your home decor by adding a natural touch and a splash of color to any room. However, if you’re a pet owner, you’re probably aware that some plants are toxic to your furry friends. The good news is that there are plenty of safe options that look stunning. So, check out our top picks for pet-friendly house plants.


Image: nnattalli/

All Calathea or prayer plant varieties are safe for cats and dogs. With their stunning range of leaf colors, sizes and patterns, we’re sure you’ll find one that suits your home decor. They grow best in medium light, high humidity and need filtered or distilled water to keep the leaves glossy and healthy.

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Perhaps it’s the real estate options, the laidback lifestyle, or the scenic vistas—whatever the reason, more Canadians are making the Maritime move and trading their city views for the east coast lifestyle. 

​​It’s safe to say the COVID-19 pandemic inspired a nationwide collective of re-evaluating living spaces and a newfound desire to connect with the great outdoors. Considering the east coast offers no shortage of year-round adventures, bustling food and culture scenes, and numerous career opportunities for driven professionals in all industries, it comes as no surprise more and more Canadians are considering a relocation to the east coast. 

In fact, record numbers of Canadians moved to Atlantic Canada in Q2 of 2021, this according to RBC…

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Canadians have never had so many monetary policy questions, especially homebuyers. Our crystal ball is in the shop, so we can’t tell you what interest rates will be. However, we can do the next best thing — present you with the Canadian Overnight Rate Sentiment Index. We polled the country’s top economics and finance experts for their Bank of Canada (BoC) forecast. We then de-biased it by disassociating the expert’s name, and plotted the forecasts. While we can’t tell you the future (yet!), we can help you understand where the best of the best see things heading. 

A Quick Note On Forecasting

It might seem obvious what a forecast is, but it’s worth repeating for those who don’t work with them regularly. A forecast estimates a future…

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Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases you will make in your lifetime. While the initial purchase of a home is a big cost, it is important to keep in mind the expected – and unexpected – costs of owning a home. From maintenance fixes and utilities, to insurance and emergency costs, it is important to be aware of the hidden costs of home ownership that might not always be obvious.

Take a look at these hidden costs of owning a home that you might not be aware of.


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Located near the border of Quebec, and fueled by the region’s rich iron ore reserves, is Labrador City, Newfoundland and Labrador, the second largest hub in Labrador after Happy Valley-Goose Bay. With a population of a little more than 7,000 people in a remote area, you may be surprised to learn about all this small town has to offer. From world class skiing,golfing and hiking, to quality medical facilities, and education and work opportunities, there’s plenty to experience in this corner of Canada.

What to know about Labrador City 

“It is our chance to stand on our own feet, to do something ourselves,” said the first Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, Joey Smallwood, during his 23-year tenure from 1949 to 1972. Smallwood was referring to…

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Home Renovations That Buyers Want

What are the home renovations that buyers want to see on the market? It’s a great question, and one you’ve likely pored over if you’re preparing to list your home for sale in the near future, or you’re embarking on a renovation with a thought to long-term resale value. According to the 2021 RE/MAX Renovation Investment Report, more than half of Canadians underwent a home renovation for personal/non-ROI purposes, with 29% choosing to renovate for non-essential “lifestyle” reasons, such as recreation-inspired projects. Despite the trend of renovating for personal use and enjoyment, 59% of Canadians said they always consider the return on investment that a renovation will have on their home’s overall market value, so while there…

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This homeowner had regretted the kitchen she’d selected for her home when it was being built and had spoken with her friend and neighbor, kitchen and bath designer Sarah Robertson, about renovating it for years. Because the busy family of four entertained often, the layout just wasn’t working — it lacked pantry space, had a lot of blank space on one wall and included a kitchen desk that seemed like a good idea at the time but wound up never being used. Robertson planned a new layout that made cooking, prepping, cleaning, storing and entertaining a breeze. She also took the style from so-so to sophisticated, pulling together walnut, wood, white, blue, glass, brass and zinc to personalize the space.

Before Photo Becky Harris Photos by…

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It might not seem like it, but Canadian real estate is in the middle of one of the most significant supply booms ever. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) data show 2021 housing starts made a big jump. More importantly, the surge of new home construction is beginning to reach the market. New home completions have hit one of the highest levels ever. One Big Six bank even sees it breaking the 1970s high this year.

Canadian New Home Starts Were Up 21% In 2021

Canadian housing starts fell recently, but they’re still much higher than they used to be. The seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of starts hit 261,000 homes in December. It was down from the SAAR of 268,000 units a month before. Even with that drop, this is much…

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Though L’Anse aux Meadows at the northern tip of Newfoundland saw European settlers first, it was the three Maritime provinces that received the second wave to become the “downtown” of Atlantic Canada. Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick formed a distinct region based on a sea-going economy built around fishing and shipbuilding. 

While things have changed plenty over the last 500 years, the Maritimes have developed their own architectural flavour, shaped by immigration, economy, fire, and war. Like the pace of life, Maritime architecture is unique to Canada, yet as familiar and cozy as a Tim Horton’s sign on a snowy drive. 

First Nations

The southern Maritimes were home to the Abenaki and Mi’kmaq nations,…

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