Found 2 blog entries tagged as Cold water washing.

Laundry is a necessary chore that we all have to do, but it can be costly in terms of energy usage. However, several home laundry solutions can help you save energy and lower utility bills. This guide will explore some of the best energy-saving laundry solutions you can implement in your home.

Use Cold Water

One of the simplest ways to save energy while doing laundry is to use cold water. Most of the energy washing machines use is used to heat the water. By using cold water instead, you can significantly reduce the amount of energy you use. Furthermore, using cold water can help maintain the color and quality of your clothes, making them last longer.

Invest in an Energy-Efficient Washer and Dryer

Consider investing in energy-efficient…

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  • LED bulbs last longer and use less energy
  • Many devices use energy even when they're in standby mode.
  • Adjustable thermostats can save you money on heating and cooling costs.
  • Sealing gaps around doors and windows can help you maintain a comfortable temperature in your home without using as much energy.
  • Using cold water to wash laundry can save you energy and money on your utility bill.

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