Found 2 blog entries tagged as Personal Finance.

In the pursuit of homeownership, understanding the intricate relationship between your existing debts and mortgage approval is paramount. At RE/MAX Infinity, we recognize the importance of making informed decisions to secure your dream home. In this comprehensive guide, we'll look at various types of debt and illuminate effective strategies to manage them, ultimately improving your chances of obtaining that coveted mortgage approval.

Understanding the Debt-Mortgage Nexus

The link between debt and mortgage approval is undeniable. Lenders assess your financial health through a thorough examination of your debt profile, influencing their decision on whether to grant you a mortgage. Let's explore the different types of debt that can impact your…

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Buying your first home is a significant milestone and a dream for many Canadians. It’s not just about finding the perfect property; it's also about ensuring you're financially prepared for this life-changing investment. Being ready to take this step involves more than just browsing listings. It requires a keen understanding of your financial standing and planning for the responsibilities of homeownership.

Credit Score and Credit History

Your credit score plays a vital role in securing a mortgage with favorable terms. Lenders use this score to evaluate your creditworthiness, determining the interest rate and the loan amount you qualify for. Regularly monitor your credit report to identify and rectify any discrepancies. Maintaining a good credit…

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