Well, it’s finally time. That dingy, worn-out carpet—the one that prompts cringy expectations of runs and pulls every time you get out the vacuum—has got to go. If you’re lucky, and your home was built before the 1980s, there’s potentially gorgeous hardwood flooring hiding under it. Even if you plan to replace the carpet or install a floating laminate floor, read on as a DIY carpet removal is fairly easy and can save you money if you plan to go with a new floor install.

Image via Curtis Adams, Pexels

Buried treasure?

The older your home is, the more likely the possibility of hidden hardwood under the carpeting. Due to how expensive repairing, restoring, or removing hardwood floors can be, previous homeowners may have opted to install…

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You’ve probably heard the term “self-care” a lot in the past few years. The World Health Organization offers a broad definition, but at its core, self-care is about “the individual person who acts to preserve health.”

Everyone’s version of self-care will differ, but taking a luxurious bath is a popular choice—and one that’s scientifically backed. Baths can help with sleep, mood regulation, and easing muscle tension, and one Lakehead University researcher is even conducting a study into how a warm bath could help with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. On a lighter scale, baths can help your overall mental state–a quiet space with relaxing scents and softer lighting can help ease your mind–and, if it’s your thing, promote meditation.


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There’s a harsh reality for plenty of Canadians with green thumbs who can’t indulge in the luxury of a full yard to explore. Perhaps you’re in an apartment or condo, maybe you rent, or it could be you simply want to bring the outdoors inside. 

Tall potted plants use vertical space to help add depth to a smaller residence, and we’ve seen how planters can add to outdoor appeal without hurting your budget. Herb gardens, big or small, indoors and out, are always popular with foodies, and if you play your flora cards right, you may attract some desirable fauna even without a huge greenspace.

To help you ease into some new ideas for your space-friendly garden, we’ve collected some thoughts to share with you. Be sure to add your own tips and tricks in the…

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The airline tickets are booked, the bags are packed and your family is finally about to head out on a much-needed, long-anticipated vacation, but that doesn’t mean you can forget about home sweet home just yet. Take a bit of time to follow these tips to deter a potential break-in and avoid home heartbreak.


Deterring a potential intruder can be as simple as flicking on a switch. Mimic your daily routine by putting the interior house lights on a timer, that way from the outside it looks like business as usual inside. Installing external motion-detector lights also means sneaking up on the house is not an option.


While leaving notes on the backdoor (or on the counter that can be clearly seen from a…

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If you’re a small or medium size business owner, you’ve probably asked yourself more than once whether it makes more sense to buy than lease. The answer is, it depends.

To help you decide what course of action is best for your company, consider the following:

Benefits of Buying

As a business, when you buy a property, there are several financial benefits:

  • Monthly costs remain relatively steady since your mortgage payments are fixed
  • Mortgage interest payments are tax deductible
  • Like other capital expenses, you can ease your tax burden by depreciating the building
  • You may be able to free up working capital if buying results in lower overall monthly costs
  • If you have surplus space, you can use the additional rent revenue…

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How do you determine which destinations are the most loved in Canada? We all have different preferences—some may prefer a city with immersive historical attractions and tours, while others might gravitate toward a small town surrounded by outdoor experiences—so labelling a location as “most loved” can be somewhat arbitrary. 

Until now. 

The Tourism Sentiment Index (TSI) uses one-of-a-kind technology to provide Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) with an accurate representation of how people feel about destinations around the world. Using powerful artificial intelligence, TSI sifts through thousands of online conversations and tourism-related content to generate a Tourism Sentiment Score®, giving DMOs a clear picture of how loved their…

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Moving to a new neighbourhood is exciting—and if we’re honest, can be stressful. Not only are you getting used to your home, but you’re also learning about a whole new area of town, or maybe an entirely new city or province. You’re probably brimming with questions, like where’s the nearest park for my dog? When is the trash picked up? If I have an emergency, where’s the closest hospital? 

Maybe you remember having some of these same questions when you moved into your neighbourhood. So, when you see that moving truck pull up down the road, why not introduce yourself to your new neighbours with a welcome package? It’s a great way of fostering community early on and providing important neighbourhood resources—and maybe a few treats—to the newest kids…

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Let’s face it, moving is hard for everyone. Big moves bring up all sorts of feelings, from stress to uncertainty, and excitement. Luckily, there are a few actions you can take before the big day to make moving with kids easier on them – and you.

Tips for moving with kids

Little People, Big Dreams

Whether you’re hoping to stay in the same neighbourhood or move right across the country, inviting your kids into the house-selection process from the get-go can help. Ask them what they’d like in a new home and see if you can reach a consensus — a bigger back yard would be a win for everyone!

Real Estate Stakeholders

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If you’re retiring, looking to cut back on expenses, or perhaps have a bit too much extra space now that the kids have flown the coop, downsizing to a smaller home might be a smart choice. 

Regardless of your reasons for downsizing, it’s enough to make you wish there was someone who could do the hard work for you and make the whole process that much easier (like, say, a REALTOR®). 

Whether you or your older relatives have decided it’s time for you to move to a smaller home,, or you’re just curious to learn more about the process, read on to get the low down on downsizing.

When is it time to downsize? 

Making the choice to downsize can be complicated, but identifying the tell-tale signs—and understanding the new freedom and lifestyle that…

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Just like searching for a home, there are many options beyond fixed or variable rates when it comes to mortgages. In Canada, there are several types of residential mortgages available for everyone’s unique financial circumstances, no matter if you’re looking for an open mortgage or a hybrid option.

So whether you’re a new buyer qualifying for your first mortgage or an existing holder, what are the key things you need to know about the most common mortgage types? Frances Hinojosa, ​​CEO, co-founder, and principal mortgage broker at Tribe Financial Group offers some insights.

Open and closed mortgages

If you anticipate making any lump sum payments on your mortgage, you might want to weigh your options between a closed or open mortgage.

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