Found 13 blog entries tagged as credit score.

Building credit history professional advice

It only takes a few bad decisions or a few months of hard times before your credit score plummets, and once it’s low, it can be very difficult to build it back up. Sometimes it isn’t enough to just make payments on time, and you might need a little help with building your credit history.

An easy way to help build up your credit score is by incorporating rent payments into the calculation. Several programs are available that use your regular monthly rental payments to help increase your credit score, so you can enjoy the benefits that go with that.

Let’s learn a bit more about why building credit history is important and how these programs work in conjunction with your credit history to increase your score.

The Benefits…

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How Does Your Credit Score Affect Your Mortgage Interest Rate

It takes credit to build credit ­– most of us have heard this at some point in our early years of adulthood. Some of us heard it when we got our first credit card; others when they went to apply for a loan of some type and realized they didn’t have a credit score. The crux is that while it takes credit to build credit, it also takes credit to destroy credit. So, what exactly is “credit” when it comes to finances, and how does your credit score affect your mortgage interest rate?

Credit is essentially a numbering system that gauges how likely you are to repay borrowed money. The higher your score, the ‘safer’ you seem to lenders, and the lower your score, the ‘riskier’ you are.

The first step to building your credit is to…

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Tips for Single Home Buyers

Buying a home is one of the most exciting times of your life, however, it can be extremely daunting for individuals looking to make the biggest purchase of your life. Buying a home as a single person can be intimidating, but we have some smart tips for single home buyers that will make the process much smoother.

With home prices across Canada rising at a fever pitch, entering the housing market as a solo act can carry more stress from a financial perspective than if you were going in with another person. However, each scenario has distinct advantages. For example, as a single you don’t have to consider another person’s needs and wants when it comes to finding your dream home. This means less compromising. If you work…

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