Found 5 blog entries tagged as income.

Real estate is one of the most profitable investments you can make. With a steady stream of income and long-term capital appreciation, investing in real estate can be an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and build wealth. In this article, we'll explore some of the key benefits of investing in real estate and why now may be the perfect time to get started.

Investing in real estate can be daunting, but with careful preparation and research, it can yield a significant income. Real estate is an asset class that has shown tremendous potential for generating significant returns. Before investing, it's important to figure out your goal and determine how much risk you're able to take. Researching the local market conditions is also essential in…

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Buying a House on a Single Income

Through the 21st century, the number of Canadians buying a home on a single income is steadily growing as more remain unmarried. Since single mortgage applicants rely on only one salary and one credit profile, it can be trickier to obtain a mortgage. However, there are many instances in which buying a house on a single income is the best thing to do, and it is possible to get a mortgage if you plan ahead and ensure that you are in a good financial position.

When Buying a House on a Single Income Makes Sense

There is no “right” time to buy a house, and it can be even more nerve-wracking to purchase a home on a single income. However, there are times when buying a place on a single income does make sense.

If you are…

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How do you buy a home

What are the steps to buying a home? You’re starting to think about becoming a homeowner, or maybe you’ve even started to look at listings. Either way, you likely have lots of questions, from the general “how tos” to specific queries around financing, different home types and locations, to how to make an offer. To help simplify what can be a complicated process, we’ve outlined the steps to buying a house in Canada.

What Are the Steps to Buying a Home?

There’s a lot to do, but we’ve narrowed it down. Here’s our 10-step home buying process checklist to get you started!

1. Choose a real estate agent that’s right for you.

A home is a huge investment, so work with a realtor that’s knowledgeable, professional and…

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Canadian employers are struggling to find labor but this isn’t just reopening pains. Statistics Canada (Stat Can) data shows over one million vacant jobs in September. The common take is, this hiring boom is reopening pains as the economy grows. Further analysis of the same data set shows that might not be the case last month. Rising vacancies were met by a drop in people on payrolls, with little net change to employment. In the most recent month of data, people were just leaving the workforce faster than others could be hired.

Employers Need To Fill Over 1 Million Jobs

Canadian job vacancies have been soaring over the past few months. There were 1,014,560 vacant jobs in September, an increase of 16.4% from a month before. That’s roughly 143,560…

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Renting out your property is a great way to bring in income. However, finding the right tenant can be a tricky process. Whether you are handling the process on your own or delegating the task to an agent, here are the seven main things to look out for when screening potential tenants.

Proof of Income

The first thing you need to check is whether your future tenants will afford to pay rent. Ideally, their monthly income should be at least three times the rent. Pay stubs, tax returns and even bank statements would confirm whether the figures add up. But if it looks like your tenant will be spending more than 30% of their income on rent, they may encounter difficulties making payments later on.

Credit Score

A tenant’s credit score…

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