Found 10 blog entries tagged as new construction.

Canadian Real Estate

The Canadian real estate market is in a state of flux right now.

It is hard to fathom that Canada’s housing sector recorded unprecedented gains a year ago – from tremendous sales activity to enormous price growth – and now the industry is in the middle of a sharp correction. Every market analyst and financial institution has offered a forecast of how much more the country’s real estate market could fall. The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) projects a 25-per-cent decline by the end of next year, while Desjardins economists anticipate a 20-per-cent drop over the next year.

Whatever the case may be, the Canadian real estate market – be it major urban centres or cottage country – is going through an exceptional transition. Nobody…

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Why is housing supply so low_construction

There is no other way to sugar-coat what is happening in Canada’s housing market: The nation is facing a severe supply shortage. Why is housing supply so low?

Current market conditions, be it record-low inventories or strengthening demand, have sparked a housing affordability crisis. With interest rates on the rise and an inevitable increase in the mortgage stress test, buying a home within typical Canadian incomes and budgets will become more difficult this year, and potential into the foreseeable future.

But while factors such as historically low-interest rates and pandemic-era pent-up savings have contributed to the current housing frenzy, the fundamental principle of supply and demand has been the chief component in…

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cost to build a house

  • The cost of building a house in Canada
  • Getting a loan for building a house
  • Average time to build a house
  • Ways of reducing costs when building a house
  • Alternatives to custom-built homes

If you’ve wondered about the average cost to build a house in Canada, you’re not alone, with current market conditions from coast to coast characterized by a severe housing inventory shortage. Quite simply, it could be easier to purchase bare land or a tear-down home and build something brand new. But aside from stock, there are many other advantages to building your home from scratch. You have the opportunity to customize the space to fit your lifestyle. Room by room, you have the final say on the layout, features, and…

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It might not seem like it, but Canadian real estate is in the middle of one of the most significant supply booms ever. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) data show 2021 housing starts made a big jump. More importantly, the surge of new home construction is beginning to reach the market. New home completions have hit one of the highest levels ever. One Big Six bank even sees it breaking the 1970s high this year.

Canadian New Home Starts Were Up 21% In 2021

Canadian housing starts fell recently, but they’re still much higher than they used to be. The seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of starts hit 261,000 homes in December. It was down from the SAAR of 268,000 units a month before. Even with that drop, this is much…

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Canadian real estate has outgrown productive investment, and it’s not slowing down. Statistics Canada (Stat Can) data shows building permits, considered a leading indicator for future building intentions, climbed in November. The growth is entirely attributed to home building, now running 50% above pre-2020. More housing is nice, but Canada is already sinking more investment into housing than businesses. The acceleration of this trend shows it’s not even considering a slow down.

Canadian Building Intentions Have Increased 7%

The total of building permits made a sharp increase in the latest data. Building permits reached $11.2 billion in November, up 6.8% seasonally adjusted from a month before. In current dollars, this is a new record high and…

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Canada is planning a lot of new construction activity, but it’s not housing they’re looking to build. Statistics Canada (Stat Can) data shows the building permit values soared in October. The increase in permits, a leading indicator of future building activity, was due to non-residential building. Residential building actually weighed down the aggregate, falling further into its correction. A drop in permits for new homes in BC and Ontario is entirely behind the decline.

Canadian Building Permits Surged Higher To $10 Billion

Canadian building permits showed a sharp increase and generally remain elevated. The seasonally adjusted value of permits reached $10.3 billion in October, up 1.3% from the previous month. When adjusted for inflation, growth…

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The idea of a customized, new residential construction house is enticing to some prospective homeowners, but the process to get there can be grueling. Working with a buyer’s agent along the way can help ensure you negotiate the best price possible and avoid setbacks.

Traditional selling points like historic charm in existing homes may not seem so charming to everyone – that’s why many people seek out a newly built residence, find a lot in a masterplan community or enter into the process of building a home from the ground up.

“Each buyer has unique preferences as to what they look for in a potential home. A lot of people want to own a new home at least once in their life,” says Jack Ryan,…

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Canadian new home prices are growing at one of the fastest rates in history but they’ve begun to slow. The Statistics Canada (Stat Can) New Housing Price Index (NHPI) shows huge annual growth in October. Not quite as obvious, the growth has fallen from the August peak, which had been the largest since 1989. The level of growth historically has been followed by a breather, where incomes catch up. If it’s begun its descent from peak growth, this can see low to negative price growth become a reality soon.

Canadian New Home Price Growth Is Up 12%

Canadian new home price growth printed some huge numbers last month. The index increased 0.9% in October and was 11.5% higher than the year before. It’s a very large and unusual growth that’s really kind of…

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Canadian home sales are falling, and that’s turning into a drag for home building intentions. Statistics Canada (Stat Can) data shows September permit values made a monthly increase. Despite the bump, values are still generally trending lower. Soft housing demand has residential permit values currently in a correction.

Canadian Building Construction Investment Is Trending Lower

Construction intentions bumped higher from a month before but didn’t break the trend. Building permit values reached a seasonally adjusted $10.1 billion in September. This is 4.3% higher than a month before and 4.9% higher than last year. Leaving it there, things would sound pretty good. However, there is a lot to unpack with this number.

Canadian Building Permit…

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When it comes to investment properties, there’s a lot to take into consideration. Aside from the financial and tax responsibilities, finding an investment property that makes sense for your situation requires some serious soul-searching. 

It’s best to take a look at some of the pros and cons before getting into the market, as each type comes with its own set. However, there are some pros and cons that apply to every type of investment property. One pro, of course, is you’ll have a second income—always a plus. The biggest con for any investment property is you’re not guaranteed to have tenants at all times, which means that second income may not be consistent. As the landlord you’re also on the hook for any repairs or issues that need to be dealt…

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